Tuesday, September 25, 2007




I'm not sure what to do...
I'm not sure what to say...
      But one thing's for sure--
            I promise to Pray!
    I always thank God as I remember you in my prayers.
                                                         Philemon 1:4 NIV

God holds our lives in His hands like precious stones,
        polishing each with challenges, choices, and changes.
And in time we become shining reflections
                               of His purpose, of His promise, of His love.

When what lies ahead seems overwhelming, just remember...
            You can do it...
                    step...by...step...by step.
For we trust that God will lead you step by step and that His grace is sufficient for you. May the love of God surrounded you at this time and may our prayer and care be your support!

I am certain that God's grace is aboundant. Laughing is good medicine and I visualize that you will laugh a lot. If you need a listening ear, please feel free to call me.
                                 Will continue to keep you in my prayers.

God is Changer, He changes Darkness into light,
           Ashes into Beauty,
                  Conflict into Peace,
                          He has changed Death to Life,
        May you experience His Changing power and His love today.
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me…to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;… Isaiah 51;1,3 KJV
【主上帝的靈降在我身上,……祂賜給錫安悲哀的人花冠代替爐灰,喜樂的膏油代替哀傷,又給他們頌讚的外袍代替沮喪。……(賽六十一1~3 當代)】



懂得思考 said...



juju said...
